Alice Walker allegedly disowned her daughter, Rebecca Walker, simply because she reportedly decided to embrace motherhood.

Rebecca Walker gave a lengthy account of the neglect she suffered from her mom while growing up, all because her mother was allegedly bent on making a name for herself and furthering her feminist views.

According to Rebecca, she hasn't spoken to her mom in years, something Rebecca considers good not just for her self-protection but also for her child's well-being.

Alice Walker is a famous American novelist, poet, and activist. She is mostly known her novel "The Color Purple," for which she garnered different awards, particularly the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.

Alice's activism is widely known; she is considered to be one of those who first promoted the idea of black feminism. Without mincing words, Alice is considered to be a hero and a freedom-fighter by many black women.

However, Alice's daughter, Rebecca Walker, doesn't share this view.

In a lengthy essay posted to the Daily Mail a few years ago, Rebecca presented another side to her mother, one that perhaps the general public is oblivious of. Rebecca wrote about a childhood of neglect, where her mother was too busy writing her books and furthering her feminist views to take care of her child.

She stated that she grew up with the mindset that children enslaved women; that they were like millstones around a woman's neck.

The daughter of the cultural icon revealed that the idea that motherhood could make you blissfully happy was a complete fairytale to her until she gave birth to her son, all because of the ideas her mother drove into her head.

Rebecca disclosed in the writeup that her mother undermined her at every turn; she claimed that her mom actually sent her an email stating that she would undermine her reputation as a writer after she revealed to the world that her parents didn't look out for her.

This was very devastating for Rebecca, who asked her mom to apologize.

Instead, she claimed she got a response stating that their relationship had been inconsequential over the years and that Alice was no longer interested in being her mother.

She said that her mom, in fact, signed the letter with her first name rather than mom.

Rebecca stated that although she feels terribly sad that her mom is missing out on a great opportunity to be close to her family, she is relieved that her child will be able to grow up with a different ideology.

"Far from 'enslaving' me, three-and-a-half-year-old Tenzin has opened my world. My only regret is that I discovered the joys of motherhood so late," she wrote.

And concluded:

"I hope that my mother and I will be reconciled one day. Tenzin deserves to have a grandmother. But I am just so relieved that my viewpoint is no longer so utterly colored by my mother's. I am my own woman and I have discovered what really matters - a happy family."
