God Will Fuck You Up
John R. Butler Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴Oh sinner do not stray
From the straight and narrow way
For the Lord is surely watching what you do
If you approach the Devil's den
Turn round don't enter in
Lest the hand of the Almighty fall on you

He'll fuck you up (he'll fuck you up)
Yes God will fuck you up
If you dare to disobey his stern command
He'll fuck you up (he'll fuck you up)
Don't you know he'll fuck you up
So you better do you praying while you can

Long ago a man named Lot
Had a wife he thought was hot
But she could not stop her black and sinful ways
You know it was her own damn fault
When God turned that bitch to salt
That's the way he used to work back in those days

He fucked him up (he fucked him up)
He really fucked him up
When the people went and turned their backs on him
He can fuck you up (he'll fuck you up)
No shit he'll fuck you up
Just like he fucked the people up back then

I used to have a friend named Ray
Who walked that evil way
He cursed and drank and broke his neighbor's fence
You know Ray was full aware
That some sheep were over there
And he knew in the Biblical sense

God fucked him up (he fucked him up)
He went and fucked Ray up
Went and paid him back for all his wicked sins
He fucked him up (he fucked him up)
Fucked that boy completely up
Now he's married to a Presbyterian

Overall Meaning

In John R. Butler's song "God Will Fuck You Up," the lyrics warn listeners not to stray from the straight and narrow path, for God is watching their every move. If someone enters the Devil's den, they are told to turn around before God's hand falls on them. The song uses strong language, with the line "God will fuck you up" repeated throughout each verse. The chorus reinforces the message, stating that God will punish those who disobey his command.

The song also tells a few stories of individuals who did not follow God's commandments and suffered consequences. For example, the lyrics mention Lot's wife, who turned to salt when she continued to commit sins. The song also tells a story of a friend named Ray who cursed, drank, and engaged in other sinful behaviors. God punished him for his sins, and he is now married to a Presbyterian, which implies he has learned his lesson.

Overall, the song is a cautionary tale, warning listeners to adhere to God's commandments, or else they will suffer His wrath. The explicit language and strong imagery used in the song add to its message, making it clear that God will not tolerate disobedience.

Line by Line Meaning

Oh sinner do not stray
Warning to all sinners to stay on the righteous path

From the straight and narrow way
Stay committed to the moral and ethical right way of life

For the Lord is surely watching what you do
God is always watching your actions, be careful

If you approach the Devil's den
Stay away from temptation

Turn round don't enter in
Avoid taking the wrong path

Lest the hand of the Almighty fall on you
You will face the consequences of your actions if you disobey God

He'll fuck you up (he'll fuck you up)
God will punish you severely

Yes God will fuck you up
God punishes those who break his commandments

If you dare to disobey his stern command
Breaking God's laws will result in punishment

Don't you know he'll fuck you up
Be aware of the consequences of your actions

So you better do you praying while you can
Pray to God for forgiveness and guidance

Long ago a man named Lot
A reference to a Biblical story about a man named Lot

Had a wife he thought was hot
Lot's wife was attractive

But she could not stop her black and sinful ways
Lot's wife was disobeying God's laws

You know it was her own damn fault
She was responsible for her own actions

When God turned that bitch to salt
God punished Lot's wife by turning her into salt

That's the way he used to work back in those days
God punished sinners in the past and still does so today

He fucked him up (he fucked him up)
God punished Lot and his family

He really fucked him up
Punishment was severe

When the people went and turned their backs on him
When people disobey God's laws, they will suffer the consequences

No shit he'll fuck you up
Don't underestimate the severity of God's punishment

Just like he fucked the people up back then
The punishment of sinners is a consistent theme throughout history

I used to have a friend named Ray
A reference to a personal experience with a friend named Ray

Who walked that evil way
Ray was leading a wicked life

He cursed and drank and broke his neighbor's fence
Ray was engaging in immoral behavior

You know Ray was full aware
Ray knew he was doing wrong

That some sheep were over there
Ray knowingly engaged in sinful behavior

And he knew in the Biblical sense
He was committing adultery with his neighbor's wife

God fucked him up (he fucked him up)
God punished Ray for his wickedness

Went and paid him back for all his wicked sins
God's punishment was justified according to Ray's actions

Fucked that boy completely up
Ray suffered severe punishment from God

Now he's married to a Presbyterian
Ray has since turned his life around and found religion

Contributed by Alexis L. Suggest a correction in the comments below.

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