Tierra Hall, a junior at Jordan High School and a Durham resident, failed to return home from school one day in late March 2015. The following day, she was found dead behind an abandoned house. Hall was stabbed multiple times with the murder weapon still lodged in her cheek.

Subsequently, surveillance footage from security cameras at the school was used to find any potential suspects. The footage captured Hall and her ex-boyfriend Kelton Fox leaving the school grounds together and the latter returning to school alone. Other evidence found, including blood on his shoes, led to the ex's arrest. Fox later pleaded guilty to the crime.

ID's See No Evil chronicles the cruel stabbing death of Tierra Hall in an episode titled Savage by Name. The synopsis states:

"On March 27, 2015, Tierra Hall hugs her mother goodbye for the last time; 24 hours later, the teenager's dead body is discovered outside an abandoned house."

The upcoming episode is scheduled to air on the channel this Wednesday, April 26, at 8:00 pm ET.

Tierra Hall's body was found with at least 14 stab wounds

On March 28, 2015, authorities received a call from a man who claimed to have spotted a girl sleeping behind a seemingly abandoned house in the 4100 block of Trotter Ridge Road in Durham, North Carolina. Upon responding to the scene, they found Tierra Hall dead from at least 14 stab wounds to the neck, head, shoulder, and arm. A piece of the murder weapon was lodged in her left cheek.

Reports state that Hall, 17, had failed to return home from school the previous day and that her body was found less than a mile from Jordan High School where she was a junior. The victim's mother, Koteya, told authorities that she had left multiple calls and messages to the teenager, but when she failed to respond, the single mother thought her daughter probably stayed over at a friend's place.

While searching for leads, authorities learned about Hall's ex-boyfriend Kelton Fox, who attended the same school as her. The former couple were in an on-and-off relationship until the previous Christmas of 2014, when the victim broke it off, claiming that he was "too clingy."

Surveillance footage and blood evidence were used to link Tierra Hall's ex-boyfriend Kelton Fox to her stabbing death

Authorities then reviewed surveillance footage from the school's security camera since that was the last place where Tierra Hall was last spotted. The footage showed Hall and Kelton Fox meeting up multiple times during their school hours on March 27. The former couple were then seen leaving the school grounds together sometime around 12:25 pm.

Surveillance footage not far from where her body was later found showed the duo walking away. Later, Fox was spotted walking towards the school alone. He was reportedly walking with his hands inside his pockets and straight headed towards the restrooms once inside. While searching the school restroom, authorities found blood around the trash can.

Other evidence found revealed that the ex-boyfriend once lived in the abandoned house. Authorities even found "King K tha Savage" written on the door, a phrase that was a part of his name on a Facebook page. With evidence piling up against Fox, authorities searched his home and found the shoes he wore on the day Hall was murdered. The shoes in question had her blood on them.

Prosecutors alleged that Tierra Hall was lured by her ex-boyfriend to his old house where he stabbed her to death. Kelton Fox pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in June 2018 and was handed 12 to 15 years in prison.

See No Evil on ID will further delve into Tierra Hall's stabbing death this Tuesday.

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