If you make a deal with Raphael in Baldur’s Gate 3, there are several possible outcomes depending on your choices and actions. Here are some of the key questions and answers regarding the consequences of making a deal with Raphael:

1. If players take the deal, what can they do with the diabolist in the Devil’s Fee?

Players can speak with the diabolist in the Devil’s Fee and infiltrate the House of Hope to destroy the contract. This will open up every endgame option, but players must first defeat Raphael before leaving.

2. Can you speak with the diabolist in the Devil’s Fee?

Yes, players can speak with the diabolist in the Devil’s Fee to discuss the deal and potential options. They can also gather information and plan their strategy.

3. Where is the shop located?

The Devil’s Fee, where the diabolist is located, is just west of the graveyard.

4. What do players need to do to infiltrate the House of Hope?

In order to infiltrate the House of Hope, players must first speak with the diabolist in the Devil’s Fee and obtain information about the location and the contract. They can then plan their infiltration and execute their mission.

5. What happens if players defeat Raphael before leaving?

If players defeat Raphael before leaving the House of Hope, they will open up every endgame option. This can greatly affect the outcome of the game and the player’s choices.

6. Can you free Orpheus without making a deal with Raphael?

Yes, it is possible to free Orpheus without making a deal with Raphael. Players can choose to decline Raphael’s offer and explore other options to reclaim their contract and free Orpheus.

7. Where can players find the Orphic Hammer?

The Orphic Hammer can be found in the House of Hope, a hellish domain in Avernus. Players will need to defeat Raphael in his own realm before acquiring the hammer.

8. How can players destroy the contract with Raphael?

If players decide to make a deal with Raphael, they can find their contract inside the Archive within an Impervious Sphere. Raphael’s Notes contain the phrase needed to break open the Sphere and destroy the contract.

9. Can Raphael be trusted in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Raphael is a devil and by nature and trade, he is instinctively cunning and controlling. It is up to the player to decide whether they can trust Raphael or not. It is important to consider the implications and potential consequences of making a deal with him.

10. What happens if you sign a contract with Raphael and then decide to break it in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The specific consequences of signing a contract with Raphael and then deciding to break it in Baldur’s Gate 3 will depend on the specific circumstances and choices made by the player. It may impact the player’s relationship with Raphael and potentially affect the overall story and gameplay experience.

11. Should you take Raphael’s deal in BG3?

If players want to enter the House of Hope and obtain the Silver Sword for Lae’zel, accepting Raphael’s deal can expedite the process. However, it is important to weigh the potential risks and consequences of making a deal with a devil.

12. Can you trust Raphael in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Raphael is a devil and inherently cunning and controlling. It is important to approach any dealings with him with caution and carefully consider the potential consequences. Trusting Raphael in Baldur’s Gate 3 may have unforeseen risks and could lead to unfavorable outcomes.

13. What if you sign a contract with Raphael and then decide to break it in Baldur’s Gate 3?

If you sign a contract with Raphael and then decide to break it in Baldur’s Gate 3, it may have significant consequences depending on the context and nature of the contract. Breaking a contract with Raphael could result in his anger or retaliation and impact the player’s relationship with him.

14. Should you give the Crown of Karsus to Raphael?

Giving the Crown of Karsus to Raphael can have significant consequences, as it would allow him to rule the Nine Hells. It is important to consider the potential implications and the balance of power that would result from such an exchange before making a decision.

15. What happens if you give Raphael the Crown in BG3?

If you give Raphael the Crown in Baldur’s Gate 3, it will enable him to rule the Nine Hells. This transfer of power can impact the game world and potentially lead to significant changes and consequences.

16. What happens if you give the Crown to Raphael in BG3?

Giving the Crown to Raphael in Baldur’s Gate 3 would mean surrendering it to him, allowing him to rule the Nine Hells. This would have far-reaching consequences and greatly impact the balance of power in the game world.
