Netflix’s ‘Buying Beverly Hills‘ is a reality series that follows several employees of The Agency. The show delves into the personal and professional struggles of the cast members as they try to establish themselves within their chosen industry. As expected, things are far from easy, and the competitive nature of the entire thing often leads to some unexpected and entertaining drama. The viewers are thus naturally curious about the personal lives of various realtors featured in the series, especially Sonika Vaid’s. Well, we are here to explore the same.

Sonika Vaid’s Family

Sonika Kumari Vaid was born on August 4, 1995, to Indian parents Kuldip “Ken” Vaid and Ananya “Anna” Vaid. She’s the eldest of six siblings, and so she grew up as a part of a big immigrant family. Though she spent some of her early years in Weston, Massachusetts, the family eventually shifted to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Therefore, as a first-generation Indian-American, Sonika has found different ways to connect to her culture.

Sonika’s parents had moved to the United States from India when they themselves were fairly young. Here, thanks to their dedication and hard work, while Kuldip became a reputable eye surgeon, Ananya obtained an engineering degree before pursuing a career as a real estate developer. As for their eldest, with their support, she was first able to step into the limelight back in the mid-2010s by participating in ‘American Idol’ season 15. Her musical talent left many in awe and took her to the top 5, so we should mention that it’s apparently a gift that runs in her blood.

The passion for music reportedly began in Sokina’s family through her maternal grandfather, who taught himself how to sing. He also bought and learned to play the harmonium (an Indian musical instrument similar to an accordion) and then passed down all this knowledge to his daughter Ananya. Continuing the family tradition, Ananya decided to help Sonika hone her vocal range and skills from the age of three upon noticing signs of her natural talent.

“Basically, I owe my whole entire musical abilities to [my grandfather] because, without him, I would’ve never sang. My mom would’ve never sang. He passed it to my mom and my mom passed it to me,” Sonika shared with NBC News to explain her familial connection to music. Therefore, we’re happy to report she has indeed not left her roots as a vocal artist behind. Apart from working as a realtor with The Agency, she continues to be a recording artist. Those interested in checking out her original songs can do so on platforms like Spotify and YouTube.

Sonika Vaid’s Boyfriend

As of writing, Sonika Vaid is happily involved with Kevin Stewart, a fellow agent from The Agency. Just like her, he is a part of the Grauman Rosenfeld Group as well and works in the capacity of a Partner. Though he entered the real estate industry of Los Angeles County barely five years ago, he has established himself as one of the best in the region. In 2021, he was declared the MVP by his Group for having sold properties worth over $70 million, which also earned him a spot among the top 300 agents in California. Kevin has even been ranked as the 35th best agent in Beverly Hills, California, and was featured in Hollywood Reporter’s 2022 list of Real Estate Rising Stars.

Sonika and Kevin’s relationship in ‘Buying Beverly Hills’ season 1 went through many ups and downs. However, the couple was not only able to overcome their differences but was also planning to move in together by the end. The realtors have been together since January 2020 and seem quite excited about their continued shared lives together. They also seem fond of traveling to some of the most beautiful destinations in the world, all to experience new things hand in hand. We wish Sonika and Kevin the best in their lives and hope they have a wonderful future ahead.
