One of the most-watched reality television shows, Baddies West, debuted on January 22, 2023. In just a few episodes after its release, this show gained so much popularity that a new season has been added. On the Zeus Network, fans can watch it. Audiences have eagerly awaited the series, and the plot should be even more enthralling.

Who will play the same characters in the Baddies West Reunion? Below is a list of every cast member who appeared on the show.

Meet the Cast of Baddies West Reunion

Catya “Cat” Washington 

Catya Washington, also called “Cat,” grew up in Philadelphia. She is a model, artist, and music vixen. In addition, Cat has a radio show called the Yameen Report, has a clothing line called “Body by Ms. Cat,” and created a mixtape on which she displayed her artistic side.

Chrisean “Rock” Malone

Chrisean “Rock” Malone, commonly known as the “First Lady of Blueface LLC,” is an artist whose on-again, off-again connection with Blueface has contributed much to her notoriety. The Baddies West cast member Chrisean is the youngest.

baddies west reunion characters


Biggie is a host and event organizer from Providence, Rhode Island. She traveled six hours by air to try out for Baddie West on the Zeus network. Additionally, a prominent Instagram user, Baddie, has 368k followers.

Do you want to know when Part 2 of Baddies West will be released and where to watch it? If so, then click on the links provided below:

Dj “Sky High Baby”

DJ “Sky High Baby” performs both as an MC and a DJ. In addition to her reputation for being amiable and upbeat, she began landing DJ gigs in 2015. The Baddie is a social butterfly who knows a few individuals in the business.

baddies west reunion characters

Gia “Rollie” Mayham

Gia “Rollie” Mayham is a TV personality, influencer, and host. She appeared on Baddies South and Seasons 1 and 2 of Zeus’ One Mo Chance dἀting program.

baddies west reunion characters

Loren “Lo” Jordan

One of the new cast members for Baddies West is Loren Jordan, better known by his stage name “Lo.” She enjoys eating wholesome food and uses her voice to advocate for a fit and healthy lifestyle. She refers to Onlyfans as her “safe place” and uses it to display her lousy girl side; she was 33 at the time of the audition.

baddies west reunion characters

Monique “Razor”

Hairstylist Monique “Razor” owns two saloons. She is talented and well renowned for her endearing nature, which she demonstrated by growing her Instagram following from 139k to over 515k since the beginning of the program.

Natalie Nunn

Entrepreneur Natalie Nunn is the CEO of Fit by Paynes, Journeys Hair, and Natalie Nunn Cosmetics. She serves as Executive Producer for the television programs Bad Boys: Los Angeles and Baddies.

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Scotlynd “Scotty” Ryan

Scotlynd Ryan, popularly known as “Scotty,” is a certified fitness trainer and fitness model. She established Snatched LLC, her own fitness business.

baddies west reunion characters

Suzanne “Stunna Girl” Brown

A musician with almost 78,000 monthly Spotify listeners is Suzanne Brown, K owned as  “Stunna Girl.” Her most well-known song, Runway, became a TikTok craze and was featured in numerous “Runway challenge” videos.

Tommie Lee

Artist Tommie Lee is from Atlanta. She gained notoriety after participating in season 6 of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta, where she was acknowledged for her talents.

baddies west reunion characters

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