anthony fantano divorce

Anthony Fantano, renowned as the internet’s busiest music nerd and the host of the widely followed YouTube channel theneedledrop, has recently found himself under scrutiny not only for his alleged spat with rapper Drake but also for his divorce from his wife, Dominique Boxley, an actress and screenwriter.

The couple, married for several years, reportedly parted ways in 2022, triggering a flurry of rumors and conjectures among fans and critics alike. In this article, we delve into the reality behind Anthony Fantano’s divorce and its implications on his career and reputation.

The Genesis of Their Romance

Anthony Fantano and Dominique Boxley crossed paths in the early 2000s while both employed in the radio industry. Bonding over their shared love for music, they embarked on a romantic journey that culminated in marriage in the mid-2010s.

Their relationship was evident in Fantano’s content, including a Valentine’s Day special where they discussed romantic songs¹. Boxley played a supportive role in Fantano’s endeavors as a music critic, lending assistance with his website and social media presence.

Unraveling the Causes of Their Separation

While the exact catalyst for their divorce remains elusive, Fantano has opted to maintain discretion regarding his personal life. Nonetheless, some sources suggest that marital discord had been brewing for some time, leading to an amicable split.

Speculation among fans hints at potential strains arising from Fantano’s contentious musical viewpoints, which frequently drew ire from artists and listeners alike. Others speculate that his divorce may have been influenced by differences in lifestyle choices, particularly his adherence to a vegan diet, contrasting with Boxley’s preferences.

Impact of the Divorce on Fantano

Fantano’s divorce has become fodder for gossip and derision among some detractors, who utilize it to undermine his musical taste and credibility. Notably, Drake, engaged in a feud with Fantano over critical album reviews, took to Instagram to make derogatory remarks, insinuating a shift in Fantano’s hip hop allegiance post-divorce.

Despite such provocations, Fantano remains steadfast in his professional pursuits, maintaining his commitment to producing content for his YouTube channel and website. He maintains a positive demeanor, expressing gratitude for his fans’ unwavering support and urging respect for his privacy.

Present Status of Their Relationship

While the current status of Fantano and Boxley’s relationship remains undisclosed, indications suggest an amicable dynamic between the two. Neither has scrubbed their social media profiles of shared content, nor have they severed ties online.

Furthermore, there have been no reports linking either to new romantic partners, with both focusing on their respective career trajectories. Fantano continues to engage his audience with music reviews, podcasts, and live performances, while Boxley channels her energies into acting and writing pursuits.


The divorce of Anthony Fantano and Dominique Boxley has captured the curiosity and speculation of fans and critics alike, prompting inquiries into the motives and repercussions of their separation. However, the couple has chosen to maintain privacy surrounding their divorce, refraining from divulging details or engaging in public drama.

Demonstrating mutual respect and civility, they forge ahead in their individual pursuits, undeterred by personal challenges. Fantano’s divorce has not hindered his status as one of the internet’s most influential and respected music critics, showcasing resilience and professionalism in the face of adversity.
