The sixteenth Targaryen to hold the Iron Throne was The Mad King, commonly known as King Aerys II Targaryen. Despite having good intentions when he first took power, he eventually caved into the madness caused by his incestuous ancestry and was deposed by Lord Robert Baratheon in a civil war.

For his father, Aegon V Targaryen, Aerys took part in the War of the Ninepenny Kings. He followed the Targaryen practice of inbreeding in order to maintain the lineage’s purity by wedding his sister Rhaella Targaryen. He adopted the name Aerys Targaryen, the Second of His Name when his father and brother tragically passed away at Summerhall. Aerys had a reputation for being kind, ambitious, and smart when he was younger. His reign got off to a tranquil and successful start. Aerys was loved and cherished by both lords and commoners.

Later, he developed a dislike for people in positions of authority, especially Tywin Lannister, who was once one of his closest friends and was also his Hand of the King. His concern for his own family and the Small Council swiftly increased. Aerys’ arrest during the Defiance of Duskendale marked the beginning of his madness. After being imprisoned and subjected to torture for six months, Ser Barristan Selmy eventually freed him.

Why is King Aerys II Targaryen called ‘The Mad King’?

The rule of King Aerys II was known as “the Mad King” due to its unpredictable nature and danger. The penalty meted out to Serala of Myr, Lord Denys’ wife, was severe; she was physically harmed before being burned alive. He put an end to every insurrectionist, one and all.
